Friday, December 9, 2011

Lotus buds

"All souls are His, all flowers. Neither souls nor flowers are his who did not make them. They were never truly his. They belong to the Lord of all the earth, the Creator, the Redeemer. The little Lotus buds are His--His and not another's.

So now we go forth with the Owner Himself to claim His own possession. There is hope in the thought, and confidence in the purest inspiration. And, stirred to the very depths, as we are and must be many a time when we see the tender Lotus buds gathered by a hand that has no right to them, and crushed under foot; bewildered and sore troubled, as the heart cannot help being sometimes, when the mystery of the apparent victory of evil over good is overwhelming: even so there will be always a hush, a rest, a repose of spirit, as we stand by the Lotus-pools of life and seek in His name to gather His flowers."

--Amy Carmichael (on the children she spent her life loving in India)

They are HIS and that is so much better than being mine.